Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Lowongan Agronomy Audit Staff

PT Triputra Agro Persada


Triputra Agro Persada merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan dari Triputra Group yang fokus dibidang perkebunan kelapa sawit dan karet berskala nasional. Saat ini Triputra Agro Persada sudah memiliki luas lahan (landbank) seluas 200.000 ha dan beberapa pabrik pengolahan CPO (minyak kelapa sawit mentah). Lahan yang dikembangkan tersebar di wilayah Propinsi Jambi, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat yang didukung oleh 10.000 karyawan. Sehubungan dengan program ekspansi dan perkembangan yang pesat tersebut, maka kami mengajak para tenaga-tenaga muda berpotensi dan berorientasi masa depan untuk berkembang bersama kami sebagai :

Agronomy Audit Staff
Jakarta Raya


  • Pendidikan Min S1 Pertanian/Kehutanan
  • Usia Maksimal 30 Tahun
  • Pengalaman Min 2 Tahun Sebagai Asisten Lapangan/Agronomi Audit di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit
  • Bersedia Melakukan Perjalanan Dinas ke perkebunan Triputra Agro Persada Group di Sumatera dan Kalimantan

Kirimkan CV Lengkap & Foto anda ke :
visit our website
The East Building 23th Floor
Lingkar Mega Kuningan Street Kav. E 3.2 No.1
Kuningan - South Jakarta 12950

Lowongan Trade Marketing Officer

PT Korindo Aria Bimasari


We are a multinational company that specialized in manufacturing, palm oil, forestry and financial services. As a growing global market player, we are looking for the best talents for new business development to fulfill below positions:

Trade Marketing Officer
Jakarta Raya - jakarta selatan


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry, Marketing, BioTechnology or equivalent.
  • Required language(s): English
  • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Applicants must be willing to work in jakarta selatan.
  • Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries or equivalent.
  • Full-Time positions available.

If your qualifications meet the above requirements, please send your application letter and CV not later than February 05, 2012 to:
Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview.

Lowongan Tenaga Lapangan

PT Rizky Indomitra

Kami perusahaan supplier pupuk di Jakarta Selatan membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk posisi:

Tenaga Lapangan
Jakarta Raya

  • Pria/ Wanita
  • Lulusan pertanian, jurusan ilmu tanah dan proteksi tanaman
  • D3/S1 universitas ternama,
  • Loyal, aktif dan inovatif
  • Mampu bekerja secara kelompok dan tim
Kirim lamaran, CV, dan pas photo terbaru ke

PT Rizky Indomitra
Rukan Crown Palace Blok A 29
Jl Prof Dr Soepomo, SH no 231
Menteng Dalam Tebet
Jakarta selatan 12870

Lowongan Trainee Hatchery

PT Super Unggas Jaya

Urgently Required

We are a multi national company in poultry industry is seeking a high qualified candidate to fill the position of :


Trainee Hatchery


  • Male
  • Maximum age 25 years old
  • Bachelor degree from Animal Husbandry
  • Fresh Graduated are welcomed
  • Good skill in computer is a must
  • High Interest at Poultry (Hatchery Process)
  • Honest, dynamic, energetic and assertive and good leadership
  • Self motivated, strong analytical person and good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Willing to stay in hatchery area
  • Placement in Lampung

Interested candidates must are invited to send their detailed resumes with current and contact telephone number via post to :

Jl. Lanud Gorda, Desa Julang, Kec. Cikande
Kab. Serang, Banten 42186
Or by email to :





Kualifikasi :
  • Pria / Wanita, usia maks 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan min D3
  • Pengalaman kerja minimum 2 tahun sebagai tenaga Sales, dan memiliki sales track record yang bagus (Mempunyai pengetahuan dibidang spare track kelapa sawit / Hardware, akan sangat membantu)
  • Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di perusahaan Sawit
  • Pandai bersosialisasi, percaya diri dan dapat bernegosiasi dengan baik
  • Mahir menggunakan Komputer (Ms.Office dan Power Point)
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Lancar dalam bahasa Inggris
  • Dapat bekerja dalam tim dan memiliki apresiasi tinggi terhadap efesiensi kerja dan waktu
  • Bersedia ke luar kota dalam melakukan pemasaran
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Kalimantan

Benefit: Gaji Pokok, Uang Transport dan Komisi penjualan

Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, silahkan kirim lamaran lengkap disertai pas foto terakhir dan gaji yang diinginkan melalui  Pos ke:
Rukan Green Garden Blok Z2 No. 78 - 79
Jakarta Barat 11520, Indonesia

Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Lowongan Administration and General Affairs Support


Izzisenland Group is a fast growing Indonesian-based plantation group with an active background in the development of various agricultural and forestry projects.

Administration and General Affairs Support

Requirements :
  • Male / Female, maximum 30 years old
  • Minimum D3/S1 in any major
  • Willing to be stationed at Kalimantan Tengah (Palangkaraya) Office
  • Ability to work in a team and independently
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Fluent in English both oral and written, and Mandarin is an advantage
  • Prior working experience in the natural resources, mining, palm oil, and agricultural companies preferred

Please state the role which you applied for and attention to Ferdy. To apply please send your resume through to :

Kamis, 26 Januari 2012




PT. Anugerah Energitama yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit yang sedang berkembang dan bergabung dengan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan batubaru dan properti dengan potensi perkebunan lebih dari 35.000 ha berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur, mengajak anda untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:


Kualifikasi :

S1 Pertanian semua Jurusan
Laki-laki, Usia maksimal 35 tahun
Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah perkebunan di Kalimantan Timur

Segera daftarkan diri anda dengan mengirimkan surat lamaran kerja CV, Ijazah & Transkrip nilai (fotocopy legalisir),berserta pendukung lainnya (sertifikat, piagam, surat keterangan kerja dan lainnya), fotocopy KTP, foto ukuran 3x4 dengan mencantumkan kode posisi pada subjek aplikasi ke :

PT Anugerah Energitama
Gd.Permata Kuningan Lt 11. Jl Kuningan Mulia Kav 9C
Jakarta selatan 12980
atau melalui email :

Lowongan Marine Biologist

We are an established fisheries company experiencing exciting growth stage, searching for an experienced or fresh graduate with a Marine Biologist or Science background.

Marine Biologist
Tangerang (Banten)


Monitor and control water quality at various areas. Discover new methods that improve quality and efficiency of our operation. Focus on researching new ways of breeding different type of organisms.

  • Degree (S1) in Fisheries/ Agriculture/ Science or similar background.
  • Good communication skills and able to work with teams.
  • Excellent at monitoring and keeping records.
  • Able to work under pressure.
  • Proactive and has positive attitude.
  • Familiar with marine and freshwater organism.
  • Willing to work at Tangerang

Kirim surat lamaran ke:

Bandara Mas A10/11, Jl. Marsekal Surya Dharma
Kodya Tangerang 15127
atau Email:

Lowongan Asisten Pembibitan

PT Borneo International Anugerah

Borneo International Anugerah (BIA) adalah Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang sedang berkembang dengan Kantor Pusat di Jakarta dan kebun yang tersebar di daerah Kalimantan Barat. Sejalan dengan perkembangan perusahaan, kami mengundang tenaga professional yang berkualitas untuk berkembang bersama kami untuk ditempatkan di lokasi perkebunan dengan posisi :


Asisten Pembibitan
Kalimantan Barat - Putussibau


Melakukan pengawasan khususnya pembibitan kelapa sawit

  • Pria, usia max. 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan D3/S1 Agronomi
  • Pengalaman Min. 2 Tahun sebagai Asisten Pembibitan
  • Pernah mengelola area bibitan
  • Menguasai tehnis perkebunan khususnya pembibitan kelapa sawit
  • Penempatan di site – Putussibau

Kirimkan CV lengkap dan foto anda ke :

PT Borneo International Anugerah
Human Resource Department
Sudirman Plaza Business Complex, Plaza Marein 19th Floor
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav. 76-78
Jakarta 12910
Or email to :


Lowongan Asisten Afdelling (ASF)

PT Fajar Baizury & Brothers

PT. Fajar Baizury & Brothers, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan dan pengolahan kelapa sawit, mencari professional yang ahli dan berpengalaman di bidangnya, memiliki integritas yang kuat serta mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi dalam berprestasi untuk menempati beberapa posisi:


Asisten Afdelling (ASF)
Aceh - Nagan Raya



Membantu Asisten Kepala dalam mengawasi kegiatan tanaman baik dalam pemakaian material hingga pencapaian target produksi.

  • Laki-laki;
  • Usia maksimal 35 tahun
  • Minimal D3/S1 Agronomi;
  • Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di posisi yang sama;
  • Telah dan atau sedang melakukan pekerjaan pembukaan lahan serta penanaman kelapa sawit dengan luas kebun & 500 Ha per tahun.
  • Dapat bekerja dalam tim dan merupakan personel yang berkarakter lapangan;
  • Pernah mengelola area bibitan dapat dijadikan sebagai nilai tambah.

Kirimkan CV , Surat Lamaran disertai dengan pas foto terbaru ke alamat e-mail berikut ini:
Jl. Barkah No. 29 Manggarai – Jakarta Selatan
atau melalui
email : atau


Lowongan Asisten Kepala

PT Fajar Baizury & Brothers


PT. Fajar Baizury & Brothers, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan dan pengolahan kelapa sawit, mencari professional yang ahli dan berpengalaman di bidangnya, memiliki integritas yang kuat serta mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi dalam berprestasi untuk menempati beberapa posisi:


Asisten Kepala
Aceh - Nagan Raya



Membantu Administratur Kebun dalam mengawasi kegiatan tanaman baik dalam pemakaian material hingga pencapaian target produksi

  • Pria
  • Usia maksimal 40 tahun
  • Minimal D3/S1 Agronomi
  • Pengalaman minimal 4 tahun di posisi yang sama
  • Telah dan atau sedang melakukan pekerjaan pembukaan lahan serta penanaman kelapa sawit dengan luas kebun > 1.000 Ha per tahun atau secara komulatif mencapai &1.500 Ha
  • Memahami manajemen operasional perkebunan dan sumber daya manusia;
  • Dapat bekerja dalam tim dan merupakan personel yang berkarakter lapangan
  • Pernah mengelola area bibitan dapat dijadikan sebagai nilai tambah

Bagi anda yang memenuhi syarat, dapat mengirim surat lamaran dengan mencantumkan posisi di sebelah kiri amplop atau pada subject email.

Kirimkan CV dan photo serta document pendukung lainnya ke :
Jl. Barkah No. 29 Manggarai – Jakarta Selatan
atau melalui
email : atau



Lowongan Supervisor Farm

PT. Sentra Boga Handal (SBH Food) is committed to inspire everybody to achieve health and life balance. Our Food and Beverages products, through its subsidiaries, always apply the detailed processes in accordance with safety food and nutrition standart for our consumers. PT Sentra Boga Handal seeking qualified candidates with good work motivation and dynamic for the positions :

Supervisor Farm
Jakarta Raya


  • Laki-laki, usia maksimal 32 tahun
  • Pendidikan D3/S1 Peternakan, Kedokteran Hewan
  • Menguasai dan Pengalaman min 5 tahun dibidang pemeliharaan ayam skala industry
  • Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang baik
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi farm
  • Telaten, sabar dan pekerja keras

Send your application and CV to :

SBH Food - Human Resources Dept
Jl Tebet Dalam IV Kav 85
Jakarta 12850
(file tidak lebih dari 500kb)
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan masuk ke website kami di


Lowongan Trainee Asisten Agronomi (TAA)

Our plantations are located in Riau and Kalimantan. While Darmex Agro's core business in Palm Oil Mills, Plantation and Refinery, it's portfolio has expanded to include various processing and storage facilities as well as shipping infrastructure. The swift expansion of PT. Darmex Agro in these various fields allows it the extensively integrate the complex processes in supplying high quality palm based derivatives in a timely and efficient manner.Headquartered in Jakarta, Darmex Agro currently employs more than 13,000 staff in Indonesia.

Trainee Asisten Agronomi (TAA)
Jakarta Raya


  • Requirements:
  • Pria
  • Pendidikan D3/S1 Fakultas Pertanian jurusan Argonomi
  • Pengalaman tidak diutamakan
  • Bersedia mengikuti training & ikatan dinas selama 3 tahun

Recruitment akan dilakukan di wilayah Jogja, Medan, Pekanbaru, kalimantan dan Jakarta

If you want to take your career to a new level and be involved in exciting workplace change and issues, Please send your comprehensive resume with current photograph (word/pdf format not more than 300kb) to:


with email address to:

Lowongan Field Production Executive

PT Branita Sandhini ( Monsanto Indonesia )


Producing more, Conserving more, Improving lives . This is sustainable agriculture and it’s what we do
Monsanto is one of the world’s leading providers of agricultural products and integrated solution to farmers across six continents and is also a pioneer in cutting edge agricultural biotechnology. We have been in Indonesia for more than 25 years and currently produce and sell Dekalb Hybrid corn seed and Round Up herbicide. We at Monsanto strongly believe that our people are our greatest assets. We are equal opportunity employer committed to recruit, develop and retain the best talents. Following our business growth, we are seeking the individual for a challenging position as below:

Field Production Executive
Jawa Tengah


  • Purpose Of The Position:
    • The person should able to identify active coordinators, productive villages and progressive growers meeting seed production requirements. He / She will be responsible to deliver the target volume of saleable seed within the approved timelines and implement the Quality systems & procedures to ensure production of high quality seed in consonance with Monsanto standards.

Specific Duties & Responsibilities:
  • Organize the required / allotted production area in the designated planting months for each hybrid. Achieve the target production area as committed. Deliver quality seed by implementing Monsanto SOP/ WI & the upgraded field quality maintenance concepts Initiate & execute alternative production plans in the face of weather impacts or external influences. Plan and ensure execution of all production operations at field level as per the agronomy schedule & calendar. Educate and train the growers, Coordinators and Coordinator’s field assistants about the best production practices and maintain the good relation among them as well. Develop& execute the detasseling calendar basis the planting dates.

  •  Min. Diploma or degree from the Agriculture Science.
  • At least 1 years or more of working experiences to this role.
  • “Can do” attitude, have strong in the leadership, result oriented and team player.
  • Fluent in English (writing and reading) will be advantage.
  • To be located at our field in Central Java.

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with attractive & competitive remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to:

PT. Branita Sandhini – MONSANTO INDONESIA Attn. HR DEPARTMENT Jl.Raya Pacing Dlanggu Desa Sumberwono, Bangsal Mojokerto – Jawa timur (61381)
OR email to :
Only qualified candidates who meet the above qualification will be notified


Lowongan R & D Manager




R & D Manager


  • Male, Maximum 45 years old
  • Must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in Agriculture from one of the reputable Universities.
  • At Least years 3 of working experience as Head of Research and Development.
  • Have experience work in Sago Plantation
  • Ability in research designing, formulating,
  • Excellent Communication skill is mandatory, including written communication in both Indonesian and English.
  • Mature and reliable personality with strong dedication and passion.

Suitable candidates are invited to send application with comprehensive resume before 15 Februari 2012 to the following address:


The Human Resources Department - ANJ Agri
Wisma BII lantai 7 Jl. Diponegoro. No.18,
Medan - Indonesia (20152).
E-mail :

Lowongan Senior Field Assistant

Green Eagle Group

We are a fast growing CPO Plantation company with Head Office in Jakarta. In line with our rapid business expansion, we invite suitably qualified professionals seeking greater challenges to apply for the following positions to be based at site:

Senior Field Assistant
Kalimantan Barat - Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur

  • Scheduling daily operating procedures and data collection.
  • Conducting trials and quality control activities via regular nursery and main estate visits.
  • Conduct leaf and soil sampling, pest and disease census and analysis.
  • Feasibility studies, troubleshoot, trials and land evaluations to explore new areas of improvement.
  • Handle daily inquiries and ad-hoc duties as assigned.


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry or equivalent.
  • At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Managers specializing in Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries or equivalent.
  • Full-Time positions available
  • Good knowledge of daily plantation operations;
  • Self-motivated, independent and able to work under fast paced environment and under pressure;
  • Confident, energetic, enthusiastic and committed to achieve goals;
  • Excellent leadership, interpersonal, communication and analytical skills;
Interested applicants please forward detailed resumes to:

Indicating the position applied for, expected and current drawn salary

Only short listed candidates will be notified

Please do not send your application by quick apply




Lowongan Visiting Agent

Green Eagle Group


We are a fast growing CPO Plantation company with Head Office in Jakarta. In line with our rapid business expansion, we invite suitably qualified professionals seeking greater challenges to apply for the following positions to be based at site:

Visiting Agent
Kalimantan Barat - Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur


  • Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry or equivalent.
  • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries or equivalent.
  • Full-Time positions available.
Interested applicants please forward detailed resumes to:

Indicating the position applied for, expected and current drawn salary

Only short listed candidates will be notified




Lowongan Field Assistant Trainee (Trainee Asisten Lapangan / FAT)

Green Eagle Group adalah Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang sedang berkembang dengan Kantor Pusat di Jakarta dan kebun yang tersebar di Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Barat dan Papua. Sejalan dengan perkembangan perusahaan, kami mengundang tenaga profesional yang berkualitas untuk berkembang bersama kami dengan posisi:

Field Assistant Trainee (Trainee Asisten Lapangan / FAT)
Papua - KalBar, KalTim, KalSel


Trainee asisten lapangan akan mengikuti program pelatihan selama 6 bulan dan setelah lulus akan ditempatkan dilokasi perkebunan

  • Pria, belum menikah, usia maksimum 27 tahun
  • Fresh Graduate, Pendidikan S1/D3 Pertanian dengan Jurusan Agronomi, Ilmu Tanah, Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan
  • IPK min. 2,7 (skala 4)
  • Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas dan ditempakan di seluruh lokasi perkebunan
Pelamar yang berminat harap mengirimkan CV lengkap ke alamat:

Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Lowongan Asisten Kepala ( Head Assistant )

Agrindo Group

Agrindo Group adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di perkebunan dan pabrik kelapa sawit di Kalimantan dan Papua.Kami menantang anda, para professional untuk tumbuh dan berkembang bersama kami sebagai:

Asisten Kepala ( Head Assistant )
Kalimantan Tengah, Papua

  • Menyusun budget tahunan operasional afdeling berdasarkan Rencana Kerja Tahunan (RKT) dan realisasi tahun berjalan
  • Mengevaluasi dan memperbaiki rancangan budget masing-masing afdeling
  • Memastikan biaya operasional kebun dikelola secara efektif dan sesuai dengan budget
  • Memastikan semua program kerja dilaksanakan sesuai dengan jadwal dan standart yang telah ditetapkan
  • Memastikan semua TBS masak dipanen dengan tingkat losses yang minimum
  • Memastikan system administrasi dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku
  • Memastikan semua kendaraan dan alat berat dalam keadaan terawatt dan siap pakai
  • Memastikan semua bangunan, dan infrastruktur kebun dalam keadaan terpelihara
  • Menanamkan dan memastikan pelaksanaan K 3
  • Memastikan keamanaan kebun
  • Menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman dan kondusif
  • Pendidikan miniimal S1 Pertanian
  • Minimal 3 Tahun sebagai Asisten Afdeling
  • Mengetahui Kultur teknis perkebunan kelapa sawit, Undang- undang ketenagakerjaan, memiliki kecakapan administrasi dan sistem
  • Bisa bekerjasama dengan tim, bekerja dibawah tekanan,dan memiliki interpersonal yang baik
  • Bersedia ditempatan di wilayah Kalimantan Tengah dan Papua

Jika anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas dan berminat bergabung bersama kami, mohon untuk mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV dan foto terbaru ke:

Lowongan Asisten Afdeling

Agrindo Group

Agrindo Group adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di perkebunan dan pabrik kelapa sawit di Kalimantan dan Papua.
Kami menantang anda, para professional untuk tumbuh dan berkembang bersama kami sebagai:

Asisten Afdeling
Kalimantan Tengah, Papua

  • Menyusun budget tahunan dan Rencana Kerja Tahunan (RKT)
  • Membuat Rencana Kerja Bulanan (RKB) dan Rencana Kerja Harian (RKH)
  • Memastikan rencana kerja harian dilakukan sesuai jadwal dan standart yang ditentukan
  • Melakukan pemeriksaan hasil pekerjaan kontraktor atas pembuatan jalan utama serta sarana dan prasarana
  • Mempersiapkan kebutuhan tenaga kerja, alat dan bahan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan luasan areal yang akan dipanen
  • Mengawasi pelaksanaan setiap jenis pekerjaan di afdelingnya
  • Melakukan pengawasan pekerjaan panen dan memastikan setiap areal dipanen sesuai dengan rotasi panen yang telah ditetapkan
  • Memastikan setiap buah masak dipanen dengan tingkat losses yang minimum
  • Memastikan TBS yang panen diangkut hari itu juga ke pabrik
  • Melakukan pemeriksaan ancak panen dan mutu buah
  • Melakukan pemeliharaan jalan, parit dan jembatan
  • Melakukan control biaya operasional afdeling sesuai dengan budget
  • Sarjana S1 Pertanian
  • Dapat mengoperasikan komputer ( Microsoft Office dan Microsoft Outlook)
  • Bisa berbahasa Inggris dan mandarin baik secara lisan dan tulisan merupakan nilai tambah
  • Pengalaman Minimal 2 Tahun
  • Bisa bekerjasama dengan tim, bekerja dibawah tekanan, dan memiliki interpersonal yang baik
  • Bersedia ditempatan di wilayah Kalimantan Tengah dan Papua
Jika anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas dan berminat bergabung bersama kami, mohon untuk mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV dan foto terbaru ke:

Lowongan Agronomist

PT CCM Agripharma (Medan)

PT. CCM (Chemical Company Malaysia) is a subsidiary of CCM Chemical SDN BHD and a member of the CCM Group of company in Malaysia. For over 50 yeasrs of experience in the fertilizer industry, CCM Agrpharma manufactures high quality fertilizers product which has and will market place. From the beginning, CCMA has embarked on a search and ddevelopment (R & D) program aimed at formulating the best fertilizers for both plantation and cash crops. While much of this R & D is undertaken by our own personel.

Sumatera Utara

  • Support sales team to bring in sales volume ti the company through technical support
  • Establlish and maintain relationships with plantation as well as other customer
  • Handle existing customer and look for new potential customer
  • Develop and implement Fertilizers sales application program for sales growth
  • Support customer to improve how customer approach the soil and the plants they grow
  • Focus on new product development and serve as intermediaries between the customer and company
  • To communicate project & research result to other professional or demonstrate to the public
  • To recommend the customers, the best practices for soil consevation and plant growth
  • To investigate problem sources poor soil and water and determine the effects
  • Male, preferably below 35 years old
  • Bachelor Degree majoring in Agriculture
  • Minimum 2 (two) years experience as Agronomist
  • Strategic thinker and result oriented with excellent communication, interpersonal skill and presentation skill
  • Computer literate (Ms. Office & Windows Application)
  • Willing to travel when required
  • Candidate will be placed in medan
Please send your CV, put the position code at your applicant
Jl. Pulau Tanah Masa Lot 287 KIM II Mabar Medan 20371
atau Email ke:


TPS Agro

Forging ahead energetic and dynamic,challenge you to step front,achievement and grow up with us.

Jakarta Raya

  • Pendidikan S1, lebih di sukai dari jurusan Pertanian
  • Wanita maksimal 27 th
  • Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun, fresh graduate diperbolehkan untuk melamar
If you interest please send e-mail to:


PT Malindo Feedmill, Tbk (Surabaya)


Holding Company dibidang budidaya unggas dan industri pakan ternak milik asing (PMA) yang berkembang pesat di Indonesia dengan lokasi yang tersebar hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, saat ini membutuhkan talenta-talenta yang berdedikasi dan berkualitas untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut :

Jawa Timur, Banjarbaru (Kalimantan Selatan), Gunung Kidul (Yogyakarta)

  • Laki-laki, usia maks 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan Diploma / Sarjana Peternakan, Berpengalaman/ Fresh graduated
  • Bertanggung jawab, Teliti, Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Bersedia tinggal di Mess Farm
Kirim lamaran, CV dan sertificate ke email di (maks.350 kbs)

Lowongan Asisten HPT

PT Citra Borneo Indah Group

Kesempatan Berkarir

Citra Borneo Indah Group adalah perusahaan nasional yang berkantor pusat di Kota Pangkalan Bun Kalimantan Tengah dan bergerak di bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit serta turunannya yang terus tumbuh dan berkembang. Untuk mendukung pengembangan usaha dan memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja maka Kami membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional dan tangguh untuk posisi :

Asisten HPT
Kalimantan Tengah - Pangkalan Bun

Bertanggung jawab dalam pelaksanaan percobaan proteksi tanaman, memonitor dan verifikasi sistem pengawasan dini, pengembangan tanaman bermanfaat serta penerapan integrated pest management.

· Diutamakan pria, usia maksimal 35 tahun.
· Pendidikan minimal S1 HPT/ Agroteknologi.
· Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai Asisten HPT, minimal 1 tahun.
· Memiliki kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris.
· Tekun, teliti, dan mampu bekerja dalam target waktu.
· Bersedia ditempatkan di perkebunan Perusahaan disekitar kota Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan Tengah.

Segera Kirim surat lamaran dan lampirannya (foto terbaru berwarna ukuran 3x4, Ijazah, Transkrip Nilai, copy sertifikasi pelatihan dan copy KTP) dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar sebagai ‘email subject’ ke :
Departemen SDM
PT Citra Borneo Indah
Jl. H. Udan Said No. 47, Pangkalan Bun 74113.
Kalimantan Tengah - Indonesia
Telp: +62 532 21297

Bagi yang memenuhi syarat akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi.

Lowongan Asisten Agronomi

PT Citra Borneo Indah Group

Kesempatan Berkarir

Citra Borneo Indah Group adalah perusahaan nasional yang berkantor pusat di Kota Pangkalan Bun Kalimantan Tengah dan bergerak di bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit serta turunannya yang terus tumbuh dan berkembang. Untuk mendukung pengembangan usaha dan memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja maka Kami membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional dan tangguh untuk posisi :

Asisten Agronomi
Kalimantan Tengah - Pangkalan Bun

Bertanggung jawab dalam pelaksanaan aktifitas Agronomi, update data base Agronomi, membuat percobaan pemupukan dan herbisida dalam kaitan dengan efisiensi biaya serta efektifitasnya.

· Diutamakan pria, usia maksimal 35 tahun.
· Pendidikan minimal S1 Agroteknologi/HPT/Ilmu Tanah.
· Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang Agronomi, minimal 1 tahun.
· Memiliki kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris.
· Tekun, teliti, dan mampu bekerja dalam target waktu.
· Bersedia ditempatkan di perkebunan Perusahaan disekitar kota Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan Tengah.

Segera Kirim surat lamaran dan lampirannya (foto terbaru berwarna ukuran 3x4, Ijazah, Transkrip Nilai, copy sertifikasi pelatihan dan copy KTP) dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar sebagai ‘email subject’ ke :
Departemen SDM
PT Citra Borneo Indah
Jl. H. Udan Said No. 47, Pangkalan Bun 74113.
Kalimantan Tengah - Indonesia
Telp: +62 532 21297

Lowongan Asisten Kepala Afdeling

PT Swadaya Sapta Putra


Kami perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Perkebunan & Pabrik Kelapa Sawit membutuhkan Staf untuk posisi Asisten Kepala Afdeling / Kebun (Sarjana Pertanian – Agronomi / Budidaya Hutan / Agroteknologi, dll) dengan kualifikasi sbb:

Asisten Kepala Afdeling
Sumatera Utara

  • Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah Operasional dimanapun didalam NKRI (diluar Pulau Sumatera & Jawa) dan sanggup tinggal didaerah yang jauh dari perkotaan.
  • S1, IPK minimal 2.5 untuk skala 4.
  • Berpengalaman sebagai Asisten Lapangan Afdeling Min. 4 Tahun
  • Pria, usia 21 hingga 30 tahun.
  • Jujur dan Mandiri.
  • Komunikatif dan mudah beradaptasi
  • Bertanggung jawab terhadap diri, pekerjaan dan lingkungannya
  • Memiliki jiwa Kepemimpinan
  • Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
Bagi mahasiswa yang berminat untuk melamar, silahkan kirimkan lamaran (kode : AA), CV dan foto terbaru dengan alamat sebagai berikut :

PT. Swadaya Sapta Putra
Grand Wijaya Center Blok D2, Jl. Wijaya II,
Kebayoran-Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Atau alamat e-mail :

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil untuk interview

Lowongan Forestry Support Officer (FSO)

PT Asmin Bara Bronang

PT ASMIN BARA BRONANG, An extensively growing National Mining Company (PKP2B, 3rd Generation) is currently offering a challenging career opportunity for Legal / Liaision Staff (Site Office – Central Kalimantan) as follow :

Forestry Support Officer (FSO)
Kalimantan Tengah

  • Pria
  • Usia21 -35 tahun
  • Latar belakang pendidikan adalah Sarjana Kehutanan diutamakan bidang Silvikultur
  • Pengalaman min 1 tahun di perusahaan HPH dan terlibat dalam perencanaan operasional penebangan termasuk pelaporan serta koordinasi dengan Pemerintah Daerah
  • Fresh Graduate diperkenankan dengan record akademis baikdan IPK Minimal 3.25 skala 4.0
  • Bersedia dan siap di tempatkan di Kantor Lapangan (Kalimantan Tengah)
HR Manager

Lowongan NURSERY/Nursery Tanaman Hias

Paramount Serpong adalah pengembang properti di kawasan seluas 400 hektar di Gading Serpong, Tangerang. Dikembangkan dengan konsep terpadu antara alam dan kehidupan dalam suatu lingkungan hunian modern.
Kawasan Paramount Serpong bernilai investasi sangat tinggi dan menguntungkan. Memiliki lokasi yang begitu strategis, bahkan memiliki private exit tol. Beragam fasilitas seperti sekolah internasional, universitas, pusat perbelanjaan, bank, rumah sakit dan Gading Raya Golf berada tepat di depan Anda.
Paramount Serpong membutuhkan para kandidat yang berkualitas dan berdedikasi tinggi, untuk maju dan tumbuh bersama Paramount Serpong dalam mengembangkan kawasan hunian dan komersial. Kami mengajak Anda untuk melamar posisi di bawah ini.

NURSERY/Nursery Tanaman Hias
Kualifikasi :
  • Pendidikan S1 Pertanian
  • Pria / Wanita usia maksimal 35 tahun
  • Berpengalaman min 1 tahun sebagai Nursery khususnya tanaman hias.

Lamaran dapat dikirim ke : ( dengan kode subject : JDB-Nursery )
atau :
Paramount Plaza
Jl.Boulevard Gading Serpong, CBD Lot.1 Gading Serpong -Tangerang

Lowongan Management Trainee - Plantation [MTP]




GoodHope Asia Holdings Limited adalah perusahaan asing (PMA) yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit dengan area perkebunan di Indonesia lebih dari 100,000 hektar, mencakup perkebunan dan pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit di beberapa provinsi Indonesia. Sejalan dengan komitmen dan perluasan lahan untuk perkembangan perusahaan, saat ini kami sedang mencari para profesional yang dinamis dan optimis untuk ditempatkan di wilayah Indonesia.

Management Trainee - Plantation [MTP]

(Kalimantan Tengah)

Kualifikasi Khusus:
S-1 dari jurusan Pertanian (Agronomi/Budidaya Pertanian, Agribisnis, Ilmu Tanah, Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman, Penyuluhan Pertanian), Teknologi Pertanian (Teknik Pertanian, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Teknologi Industri Pertanian) dan Kehutanan.
Kualifikasi Umum:
Laki-laki, usia antara 22 - 27 tahun serta sehat sehat jiwa dan rohani
Fresh graduates (tahun kelulusan 20010 - 2012)
Keterampilan komputer dan bahasa Inggris lebih diutamakan
Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dan memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan
Bersedia mengikuti program pelatihan di Kalimantan Tengah
Bersedia ikatan dinas 1 tahun setelah program pelatihan berakhir

Reward & Benefit
Fasilitas yang diberikan apabila lulus mengikuti program pelatihan (management trainee):
- Gaji pokok, THR, bonus tahunan, insentif dan tunjangan lainnya
- Jenjang karir
- Disediakan perumahan lengkap dengan furniture, air dan listrik,
- Motorcycle Ownership Program--MOP (Kredit motor dengan subsidi dari perusahaan sebesar 60%),
- Tiket pesawat untuk cuti pulang ke daerah asal (mudik hari raya) sekali setahun, asuransi kesehatan (personal accident).
Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan kirimkan berkas lamaran lengkap Anda (surat lamaran, CV, foto terbaru, salinan ijazah, KTP) dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di subjek surat ke alamat e-mail (sofcopy dalam format "pdf" atau "doc" dengan ukuran file max. 1 MB):

atau hardcopy ke alamat kantor:

Menara Global Building 16th Floor
JI. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 27
Jakarta, 12950 Indonesia

Fresh Graduate Only
Interview akan dilaksanakan di kota terdekat
Hanya yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes dan interview!

Please visit our website at

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Lowongan Agronomy Manager – Plantation (Code: Agronomist)

PT Rana Wastu Kencana (Pontianak)

We are a well established foreign company in Palm Plantation, we are still expanding plantation projects in the region adopting the industry’s best practices and deriving operational excellence.
We invite dynamic professionals and result oriented person with motivation and creativity to full fill following position:

Agronomy Manager – Plantation (Code: Agronomist)
Kalimantan Barat

Responsibilities: \
  • The job holder is responsible to overlook and supervise the plantation level agronomists practice by monitoring and ensuring agronomy programs at plantation level are in alignment with best management agronomy policies
  • To review the harvesting and agricultural practices and advice on better methods to achieve higher yields at the lowest possible cost.
  • Developing and maintaining agronomy policy development by benchmarking with the best in industry sustainable practices and monitoring effective implementation of agronomy policies.
  • Develop an efficient applied research base within the plantations, and ensure the presence of updated agronomy database.
  • To evaluate, analyze and maintain reporting a database of the agronomy data, ensure regular update of them and timely provision of management information required by the management.

  • Min. holds Bachelor Degree on Agriculture or related disciplines
  • Male/Female, max. 40 years old and dynamic person
  • Min 5 year experience in well-known or listed palm oil plantation company
  • Has strong analytical quality, highly motivated and creative minded with a strong drive to succeed is a must
  • Fluent in speaking English written and spoken
  • Able to work under pressure in meeting tight deadlines
  • Required: English proficiency (passive) & computer literacy (Microsoft Office)

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career required & qualifications, please send your complete CV in MS Word (only CV) with current & expected salary and recent photograph to 2address email:

Please put code and your name in the subject email. (code/name). Not later than 2 weeks from this advertisement.



Lowongan Head Procurement - Plantation (Code: Head Procure.)

PT Rana Wastu Kencana (Pontianak)
We are a well established foreign company in Palm Plantation, we are still expanding plantation projects in the region adopting the industry’s best practices and deriving operational excellence.

We invite dynamic professionals and result oriented person with motivation and creativity to full fill following position:

Head Procurement - Plantation (Code: Head Procure.)
Kalimantan Barat
  • Will responsible for providing and supply for Procurement matters: purchasing operation, delivery/distribution, transportation and also for logistic or warehouse for supporting operation business company for all offices and estate/plantation;
  • Will be responsible for operation and implementation of purchasing, logistic, delivery, transportation operation logistic, and achievement of the operation business unit in line with strategic business company;
  • Facilitate setting up of Procurement policies and procedures and operation activities from purchasing, delivery/transportation, warehouse or logistic for supporting operation all of offices, region and estate/plantation;
  • Implementation of Procurement policies and procedures and budget planning and operational planning that has been approved by Directors;
  • Planning, coordinating and carrying out of the material, spare sparts and everything request from all of users/dept for all operation;
  • Maintain effective liaison with vendors, suppliers, respective government officials, other relevant authorities and be proactive in addressing emerging issues and challenges;.
  • Maintain effective relations with the public to build the corporate image;
  • Will provide and coordinate for effective implementation of excellence operation level business plans and achievement of KPI’s Targets in line with KPI’s target group;
  • Building and facilitating the implementation of Procurement policies and procedures, and train of the staff level enhance achievement business operation.


Min. holds Bachelor Degree’s from any major from reputable university
  • Male/Female, Max. 45 years old (Senior Manager position)
  • Min. 5 years overall experience in the Purchasing, Logistic, Transportation at plantation
  • Experience in dealing and selecting leading vendors, both domestically and internationally
  • Outstanding integrity and honesty, a tough negotiator, having excellent communication and negotiation skill
  • Fluent in spoken and written English
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) & good paper work ability
  • Good personality and leadership, interpersonal skill, communication skill and teamwork
  • Highly motivated and creative minded with a strong drive to succeed is a must
If you are interested in taking up above challenging career required & qualifications, please send your complete CV in MS Word (only CV) with current & expected salary and recent photograph to 2address email: and Please put code and your name in the subject email. (code/name). Not later than 2 weeks from this advertisement.

Lowongan Estate Manager

PT ITCI Hutani Manunggal (IHM) is a fast growing multinational company in forest plantation industry (HTI) in Kalimantan Timur area, now expand to other Kalimantan area and inviting professional and dynamic people to join us as :

Estate Manager
Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur

  • The ideal candidate should be an experienced in Plantation (HTI), Heavy Equipment & Estate/Camp Operation based on Production, Harvesting & Planting target with strong analytical skills in problems solving, understanding rules of licensing and land matters, also Good Government & Employees Relations with excellent leadership and organizational skills

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry or equivalent.
  • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Manager / Assistant Managers specializing in Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries or equivalent.
  • Full-Time positions available.
  • Minimum 35 Years Old

PT ITCI Hutani Manunggal d/a :

Jl. MT. Haryono No. 187. RT.55
Kelurahan Damai,
Balikpapan Selatan 76114
Kalimantan Timur – Indonesia
atau kirim melalui : &
PO BOX 570 East Kalimantan 76114

Lowongan Assistant Manager - Plantation (Code: AMP)

PT Rana Wastu Kencana (Pontianak)

We are a well established foreign company in Palm Plantation, we are still expanding plantation projects in the region adopting the industry’s best practices and deriving operational excellence.
We invite dynamic professionals and result oriented person with motivation and creativity to full fill following position:

Assistant Manager - Plantation (Code: AMP)
Kalimantan Barat

  • To assist the Estate Manager in maintaining the estate under good order and execute plantation activities of the estate for mature area or immature area
  • To organize the daily distribution of the work force and field staff to carry out the daily work program of the plantation as directed by the Estate Manager and supervision of their work
  • To coordinate the field operations and supervision of the activities such as harvesting, loose fruit collection, transporting FFB, fertilising, weeding, pruning and other field activities
  • To ensure that the prescribed standards are followed in harvesting, loose fruit collection and other fieldwork
  • To coordinate the activities of he labor gangs and ensure that all available crop is harvested and transported in a timely manner
  • To allocate fertilizer, agrochemicals and other plantation materials to different fields according to the approved programs and monitor their utilization
  • To monitor transport of crops to the mill, issue of despatch notes and comparison of Weighbridge statements with the estate level records and probe into material variances
  • To maintain crop records, absenteeism and plantation material utilization reports, daily update of them and submission to higher authorities
  • Implement all relevant EHS policies, procedures and SOPs

  • Min. holds Bachelor Degree in Agriculture or Agribusiness or related disciplines
  • Male, 25 – 40 years old
  • Min. 5 year experience in a plantation setting at mature area or immature area
  • Good communication/fluent skill in English language (written and spoken)
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) & good paper work ability
  • Good personality, interpersonal skill, and communication skill
  • Highly motivated and creative minded with a strong drive to succeed is a must
  • Customer & service oriented person with passion and desire
  • Willing work based on estate
If you are interested in taking up above challenging career required & qualifications, please send your complete CV in MS Word (only CV) with current & expected salary and recent photograph to 2address email:

Please put code and your name in the subject email. (code/name). Not later than 2 weeks from this advertisement.



Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Lowongan Assistant Nursery - Plantation (Code: ANP)

PT Rana Wastu Kencana (Pontianak)


We are a well established foreign company in Palm Plantation, we are still expanding plantation projects in the region adopting the industry’s best practices and deriving operational excellence.

We invite dynamic professionals and result oriented person with motivation and creativity to full fill following position:

Assistant Nursery - Plantation (Code: ANP)
Kalimantan Barat


  • Assist manager or Estate Manager to prepare a work plan and budget of oil palm seedlings
  • Make a daily report, weekly, and monthly progress of oil palm seedlings

  • Min. holds Bachelor Degree in Agronomy, Agriculture Cultivation, Agribusiness or related disciplines
  • Male/Female, 25 – 38 years old
  • Experience min. 2 years in the position as assistant nursery and the same field
  • Able to design a layout area of oil palm seedlings
  • Able to provide guidance to workers on oil palm seedlings technique is good and right
  • Understand the technique of oil palm plantations in particular nursery
  • Understand the process of planting until the process of checking the planting
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
  • Good personality, interpersonal skill, and communication skill
  • Highly motivated and creative minded with a strong drive to succeed is a must
  • Willing work based on estate
If you are interested in taking up above challenging career required &; qualifications, please send your complete CV in MS Word (only CV) with current &; expected salary and recent photograph to 2address email:

Please put code and your name in the subject email. (code/name). Not later than 2 weeks from this advertisement.



Lowongan Field Assistant - Plantation (Code: FA)

PT Rana Wastu Kencana (Pontianak)

We are a well established foreign company in Palm Plantation, we are still expanding plantation projects in the region adopting the industry’s best practices and deriving operational excellence.
We invite dynamic professionals and result oriented person with motivation and creativity to full fill following position:

Field Assistant - Plantation (Code: FA)
Kalimantan Barat

  • To assist the Assistant Manager or Estate Manager in maintaining the estate under good order and execute plantation activities of the estate
  • To be directly in charge of labor gangs, supervise their day to day work performance and that the assigned tasks are accomplished within the allocated time
  • To monitor the attendance of the workers and quantity of the crop harvested and maintain a record of them
  • To ensure that all the harvested crops are properly collected, loaded and transported to the mill, and maintain good coordination with mill personnel
  • To regularly inspect the growth of the plantation and take remedial actions to prevent them from disease and other natural hazards
  • To coordinate the field operations and supervision of the activities such as harvesting, loose fruit collection, transporting FFB, fertilising, weeding, pruning and other field activities
  • To ensure that the prescribed standards are followed in harvesting, loose fruit collection and other fieldwork
  • Implement all relevant EHS policies, procedures and SOPs
  • Implement relevant EHS improvement program to meet company objective and target
  • Communicate the EHS requirement to related subordinate
  • Ensure related contractor comply with EHS requirements

  • Min. holds Bachelor Degree in Agriculture or Agribusiness or related disciplines
  • Male, 25 – 38 years old
  • Min 2 years experience in a palm oil plantation in mature area or development area
  • Good personality, interpersonal skill, and communication skill
  • Highly motivated and creative minded with a strong drive to succeed is a must
  • Customer & service oriented person with passion and desire
  • Willing work based on estate

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career required & qualifications, please send your complete CV in MS Word (only CV) with current & expected salary and recent photograph to 2address email:

Please put code and your name in the subject email. (code/name). Not later than 2 weeks from this advertisement.



Lowongan Planning ASKEP

PT ITCI Hutani Manunggal (IHM) is a fast growing multinational company in forest plantation industry (HTI) in Kalimantan Timur area, now expand to other Kalimantan area and inviting professional and dynamic people to join us as :

Planning ASKEP
Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur

  • The ideal candidate should be an experienced in Planning Department of Forest Plantation Industry (HTI), excellent skill in GIS and other survey tools implementation with strong analytical skills in problems solving, understand rules of licensing and land matters, also good government & employee relations with excellent leadership and organizational skills.

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry or equivalent.
  • At least 6 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Manager / Assistant Managers specializing in Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries or equivalent.
  • Full-Time positions available.
  • Understand of GPS, GIS, Arc GIS 9.2, Map Info and other software for survey

Jl. MT. Haryono No. 187. RT.55
Kelurahan Damai,
Balikpapan Selatan 76114
Kalimantan Timur – Indonesia
Atau Email ke : or
or PO BOX 570 East Kalimantan 76114



Lowongan Asisten Tanaman (AS-TAN)


Kami merupakan Group Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang memiliki luas lahan (landbank) lebih dari 50.000 Ha berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional yang berdedikasi tinggi, untuk ditempatkan dengan kalifikasi sebagai berikut:

Asisten Tanaman (AS-TAN)
Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Timur
  • Pria, Usia maksimal 40 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma/D3 Pertanian atau Kehutanan; dengan Program Studi: Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan, Agroteknologi, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Teknik Pertanian, atau Budi Daya Hutan
  • Diutamakan berpengalaman di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit
Kualifikasi umum:
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Dapat mengoperasikan computer, minimal Ms. Office
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim maupun mandiri
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di perkebunan – Kalimantan

 Mohon kirimkan lamaran dan CV serta foto ke:

Menara The East Lt.23
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E2.3 No.1
Jakarta Selatan 12950
atau email ke: atau


Lowongan Asisten Bibitan (AS-BIT)


Kami merupakan Group Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang memiliki luas lahan (landbank) lebih dari 50.000 Ha berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional yang berdedikasi tinggi, untuk ditempatkan dengan kalifikasi sebagai berikut:

Asisten Bibitan (AS-BIT)
Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Timur




  • Pria, Usia maksimal 40 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma/D3 Pertanian; Jurusan Pertanian, dengan Program Studi: Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan, Agroteknologi
  • Diutamakan berpengalaman di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit
  • Kualifikasi umum:
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Dapat mengoperasikan computer, minimal Ms. Office
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim maupun mandiri
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di perkebunan – Kalimantan

Mohon kirimkan lamaran dan CV serta foto ke:
Menara The East Lt.23
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E2.3 No.1
Jakarta Selatan 12950
atau email ke: atau


Lowongan Asisten HPT (AS-HPT)


Kami merupakan Group Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang memiliki luas lahan (landbank) lebih dari 50.000 Ha berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional yang berdedikasi tinggi, untuk ditempatkan dengan kalifikasi sebagai berikut:

Asisten HPT (AS-HPT)
Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Timur


  • Pria, Usia maksimal 40 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma/D3 Pertanian Jurusan HPT
  • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai asisten HPT
  • Kualifikasi umum:
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Dapat mengoperasikan computer, minimal Ms. Office
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim maupun mandiri
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di perkebunan – Kalimantan

 Mohon kirimkan lamaran dan CV serta foto ke:

Menara The East Lt.23
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E2.3 No.1
Jakarta Selatan 12950
atau email ke: atau


Lowongan Asisten Pengembangan (AS-BANG)



Kami merupakan Group Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang memiliki luas lahan (landbank) lebih dari 50.000 Ha berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional yang berdedikasi tinggi, untuk ditempatkan dengan kalifikasi sebagai berikut:

Asisten Pengembangan (AS-BANG)
Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Timur


  • Pria, Usia maksimal 40 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma/D3 Pertanian; Jurusan Pertanian atau Kehutanan, dengan Program Studi: Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan dan Budidaya Hutan
  • Diutamakan berpengalaman di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit
  • Kualifikasi umum:
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Dapat mengoperasikan computer, minimal Ms. Office
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim maupun mandiri
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di perkebunan – Kalimantan

Mohon kirimkan lamaran dan CV serta foto ke:

Menara The East Lt.23
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E2.3 No.1
Jakarta Selatan 12950
atau email ke: atau


Lowongan Kepala Kebun (KA-BUN)


Kami merupakan Group Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang memiliki luas lahan (landbank) lebih dari 50.000 Ha berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional yang berdedikasi tinggi, untuk ditempatkan dengan kalifikasi sebagai berikut:

Kepala Kebun (KA-BUN)
Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Timur


  • Pria, Usia maksimal 45 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal D3 Pertanian
  • Pengalaman sebagai Kepala Kebun minimal 2 tahun atau asisten tanaman minimal 4 tahun
  • Memiliki jiwa kepempinan
  • Kualifikasi umum:
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Dapat mengoperasikan computer, minimal Ms. Office
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim maupun mandiri
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di perkebunan – Kalimantan

Mohon kirimkan lamaran dan CV serta foto ke:

Menara The East Lt.23
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E2.3 No.1
Jakarta Selatan 12950
atau email ke: atau

Lowongan Field Production Executive


Producing more, Conserving more, Improving lives . This is sustainable agriculture and it’s what we do

Monsanto is one of the world’s leading providers of agricultural products and integrated solution to farmers across six continents and is also a pioneer in cutting edge agricultural biotechnology. We have been in Indonesia for more than 25 years and currently produce and sell Dekalb Hybrid corn seed and Round Up herbicide. We at Monsanto strongly believe that our people are our greatest assets. We are equal opportunity employer committed to recruit, develop and retain the best talents.
Following our business growth, we are seeking the individual for a challenging position as below:

Field Production Executive

  • The person should able to identify active coordinators, productive villages and progressive growers meeting seed production requirements.
  • He / She will be responsible to deliver the target volume of saleable seed within the approved timelines and implement the Quality systems & procedures to ensure production of high quality seed in consonance with Monsanto standards.

  • Organize the required / allotted production area in the designated planting months for each hybrid.
  • Achieve the target production area as committed.
  • Deliver quality seed by implementing Monsanto SOP/ WI & the upgraded field quality maintenance concepts
  • Initiate & execute alternative production plans in the face of weather impacts or external influences.
  • Plan and ensure execution of all production operations at field level as per the agronomy schedule & calendar.
  • Educate and train the growers, Coordinators and Coordinator’s field assistants about the best production practices and maintain the good relation among them as well.
  • Develop & execute the detasseling calendar basis the planting dates.

General Requirements :
  • Min. Diploma or degree from the Agriculture Science.
  • At least 1 years or more of working experiences to this role.
  • “Can do” attitude, have strong in the leadership, result oriented and team player.
  • Fluent in English (writing and reading) will be advantage.
  • To be located at our field in Central Java.
If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with attractive & competitive remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to:

Jl.Raya Pacing Dlanggu
Desa Sumberwono, Bangsal
Mojokerto – Jawa timur (61381)


Only qualified candidates who meet the above qualification will be notified




We are fast growing Fishing Industries in Indonesia, seeking outstanding professional who have good dedication and high integrity. Due to our business expansion, we are seeking capable people to join us for the following position for Head Office.


  • Bachelor degree from a reputable university
  • Min.3 years of experience as Purchasing & PPIC in manufacturing industry
  • Male, average age 25 - 35 years old
  • Fluent in English both spoken and written
  • Arrange scheduling for production process
  • Prepare shipment schedule, in appropriate with customer to be submitted to Marketing departement
  • Control daily activity of production process, up to delivery to FG Warehouse
  • Coordinate with the production dept. in controlling abnormality of gods
  • Coordinate with other departement to prepare production plan for new device or new package
  • Planning Material & supporting material used based on production schedule
  • To ensure that all raw materials purchased are well planned and scheduled in order to prevent high stock or discountuinity of production
  • Monitor and review issue of material to production/ supplier including material on over consumption
  • Follow up to supplier : ETA material & Supporting matrial
  • Coordinate with the production dept. and finance/Accounting dept in controlling abnormality of used material ( daily, weekly, monthly)
  • Willing to travel occasionally East Indonesia
  • Good analytical and logical thinking
  • Hard working, good communication and interpersonal skill
  • Ability to work as a good team player or individually
  • Ability to work under pressure

Please submit your complete application and recent photograph within 2 weeks of the advertisement to:
Ruko Long Beach blok C-23 (Constantine-23)
Pantai Indah Kapuk – Jakarta Utara

Lowongan Kepala Afdeling

Kepala Afdeling PT Union Sampoerna Triputra Persada                          Requirements Berusia antara 25 - 35 tahun Pendidik...