Come & Be A Part of Us!
“BW Plantation is committed to create an environment of a “HAPPY COMMUNITY” amongst our co-workers.”
“BW Plantation strongly acknowledge and believe that people are our most valueable assets, we therefore strive for teamwork, respect for individuals and appreciation for all our differences.”
“BW Plantation is committed to open, honest communication, listening and follow-through to foster culture of personal development, professional excellence and the opportunity to excel as well as recognise and reward team and individuals that contribute to our success”
We are never satisfied with mediocrity, so we aim to stretch our performance and to push continually the boundaries of what is impossible.
(Source : “BW Plantation Code of Conduct”)
BW Plantation employs various people from different background and we are constantly on the scout for new talents. So if you are up for a challenge in the creative industry, send in your CV and portfolio to:
PT BW Plantation Tbk
Menara Batavia Lt. 22
Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav. 126
Jakarta 10220
Telp: +62 21 5740988, 5747428
Fax: +62 21 5740987, 5747429
Email: (Tidak lebih dari 2 MB / not more than 2 MB)
Current Job Opening
- Management Trainee Field Assistant
- Management Trainee Mill Assistant
- Management Trainee Technique Assistant
- Management Trainee Kasie Admin
Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
- Sehat jasmani rohani (Laki-laki/Perempuan)
- Pendidikan: S1 Teknik (Mesin/Kimia/Otomotif/Alat Berat/Sipil/Informatika), S1
- Pertanian (Agronomy/Agribisnis/Sosek/Budidaya Pertanian/HPT/Ilmu Tanah/Kelapa Sawit/Teknik Pengolahan Hasil Pangan), S1 Kehutanan, S1 Geografi, S1 Hukum, S1 Psikologi, S1 Komunikasi, S1 Ekonomi (Akuntansi/Manajemen/Ekonomi Pembangunan)
- IPK minimal 2,75 skala 4
- Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), dan Internet
- Tinggi minimal 165 cm dan berat badan minimal 55 kg
Mengirimkan berkas lamaran Kepada HRD PT. BW Plantation Tbk. Posisi dilamar Basic Trainee. Dengan isi berkas sebagai berikut:
- Surat Lamaran
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy Ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus
- Copy Transkrip Nilai/KHS Terakhir
- Copy KTP
- Copy Sertifikat/Piagam Komputer/terkait