Selasa, 29 November 2011

Lowongan Estate Manager

PT BW Plantation Tbk


BW Plantation (BWPT) is an Indonesian oil palm plantation company with primary business activities in developing, cultivating, and harvesting Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) as well as extracting Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel from FFB. The company manages seven plantations, four of which are located in Central Kalimantan, two are located in West Kalimantan and one located in East Kalimantan.

Estate Manager
Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur


* Laki-laki
* Memiliki pengalaman min selama 3 thn sebagai Estate Manager
* Memiliki pengalaman menangani LC, Nursery, Mature, Immature
* Memahami proses administrasi kebun
* memahami pembuatan budget kebun
* memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan kepemimpinan yang baik
* Sehat jasmani & rohani
* Siap untuk ditempatkan diseluruh kebun perusahaan

Send your CV or portfolio with the position you are applied for email subject to:

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Lowongan Kepala Afdeling

Kepala Afdeling PT Union Sampoerna Triputra Persada                          Requirements Berusia antara 25 - 35 tahun Pendidik...